Friday, August 6, 2010

Cannes 2010 Festival

Watched: (17)
Another Year (Mike Leigh) 95/100
Of Gods and Men (Des hommes et des dieux) (Xavier Beauvois) 92/100
Poetry (Shi) (Chang-dong Lee) 89/100
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (Loong Boonmee raleuk chat) (Apichatpong Weerasethakul) 89/100
Certified Copy (Copie conforme) (Abbas Kiarostami) 83/100
My Joy (Schastye moe) (Sergei Loznitsa) 77/100
Outside the Law (Hors-la-loi) (Rachid Bouchareb) 73/100
Fair Game (Doug Liman) 71/100
Chongqing Blues (Rizhao Chongqing) (Xiaoshuai Wang) 70/100
Biutiful (Alejandro González Iñárritu) 66/100
Our Life (La nostra vita) (Daniele Luchetti) 62/100
A Screaming Man (Un homme qui crie) (Mahamat-Saleh Haroun) 59/100
On Tour (Tournée) (Mathieu Amalric) 59/100
Outrage (Autoreiji) (Takeshi Kitano) 56/100
The Princess of Montpensier (La princesse de Montpensier) (Bertrand Tavernier) 52/100
The Housemaid (Hanyo) (Sang-soo Im) 51/100
Route Irish (Ken Loach) 42/100

Eager to Watch: (2)
Tender Son - A Frankenstein Project (Szelíd teremtés - A Frankenstein-terv) (Kornél Mundruczó)
The Exodus: Burnt By The Sun 2 (Utomlyonnye solntsem 2) (Nikita Mikhalkov)

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